Diet plans will soon be available!

Diet plans will soon be available for download. These diets are not composed of specific requirements. In other words, the diet plans are not tailored for the individual, but for those who need a “calm” and easy diet and for those who need a different food-lifestyle. Some diets can be used to get “rapid changes” but is meant to be a part of your new lifestyle.

The downloads will be available friday (08-15-2014).

Tomorrow, there will be a bit about myself and my history and why you should download my diets. 

Best Regards!



Most important thing!!

What is the most important thing in a weight loss diet plan? Is it calories? Is it exercise? I would say…. Water!

Drinking water throughout your whole day during a weight loss is probably the best thing you can do. It can prevent you from eating more because it gives you the feeling of being full. In other words, water can stop you from consuming anything unnecessary! I don’t need to say more…



Well, maybe i do. In a positive way off course!

The human body efforts of keeping it warm doing an intake of cold water burns fat. I don’t want to get into some complexe language about metabolism and why the body reacts the way it does, but the fact is – it works that way.

Instead of drinking a ice cold coca cola after training, hit it with some cold water instead. Long story short: Water = 0 calories – coca cola and other unhealthy stuff = many calories.



Every dietplan will contain lots amounts of water!


Hello and welcome!

Yesterday, i decided to do a english blog despite the fact that i’m danish. Why i’m telling you this is to prevent future grammar corrections or people complaining about my typing. NOW, going on!

Dietaccess is made for those who is interested in exercise and diet plans. The main reason for this website is to give normal people normal diet and exercise plans for free. There are hundreds and hundreds of diet plans out there, but on this website you will get the best for free. Diet plans often acquires a lot of shopping and planning. On one hand, it’s good to change your lifestyle if you live in a swamp of junkfood, but on the other hand, some people just need a little change in there diet and grocery list to lose weight.
So, this is here you can get a great, friendly and easy diet plan, either 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks or even a month.


